
商學院「全球競爭策略」全英語課程 (112下)-11/27開放預選!

【學  分  數 Credit(s) 】3學分(列入外系選修學分)

【選課對象 Target Students

  • 全校大二以上(包含五專五年級、二技)學生


  • 英文能力需達 多益620分以上

【課程時段 Class Time112學年度下學期 星期四 第5節~第7節

【上課教室 Class Room中商大樓8樓7802教室 

【課程概述 Course Overview

In the fast-paced world of international business, success hinges on the ability to navigate global markets strategically. This course, "Global Competitive Strategy," is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the global business arena.

【課程目標 Course Objectives

Students will develop a global mindset, allowing them to understand and adapt to diverse cultural, economic, and political environments. They will learn to analyze global markets, identify opportunities, and assess risks while gaining insights into competitive dynamics worldwide.

The course covers a wide array of topics, including market entry strategies, international trade policies, supply chain management, strategic alliances, and global marketing. Students will explore the critical role of ethics and sustainability in global business practices.

Through case studies, simulations, and practical exercises, students will apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. They will enhance their communication and negotiation skills in cross-cultural contexts and develop a comprehensive global business strategy.


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選課系統  課程


何小姐 (04) 2219-6195|(五樓院辦)

